원서로 만나는 엘리자베스 폰 아르님
1권 1,000원Elizabeth and Her German Garde...
2권 1,500원Introduction to Sally
3권 2,000원Love
4권 1,500원The Enchanted April
5권 2,000원Vera
6권 2,000원In the Mountains
7권 2,000원Christopher and Columbus
8권 1,500원Christine
9권 2,200원The Pastor’s Wife
10권 2,000원Fräulein Schmidt and Mr Anstru...
11권 1,500원The Princess Priscilla's Fortn...
12권 1,500원The Adventures of Elizabeth in...
13권 2,000원The Benefactress
14권 1,500원The Caravaners
15권 1,000원The Solitary Summer